Wats good peoplez? im n aspiring lyricist from Perth,WA Australia. Since
writing poetry from an early age ive always had a facination with rhyme and
music. My flow has definately grown from these recordings that are posted
here, many which were dated back in '05-'06. These are some short verse
extracts from some of my early works just to get'a bit of public perception
before i complete my mixtape for '09.....i'm an avid listener of 'real'
hiphop,in the sense that talent aint diluted for the sake of a gimmick or
image, so none'a that soulja boy sh*t fo me.. but i give mad props 2
artists like, Jadakiss, Joell Ortiz, Saigon, Lloyd Banks, Immortal
Technique, Diabolic, Apathy, Cassidy to name a few. Please feel free to
leave some comments and 'constructive critisism' regarding my recordings,
while keepin in mind my style and proficiancy in the booth has changed alot
4 years on. peace!